A skilled Illinois DUI Defense Attorney is essential for fighting your charges. They know the laws surrounding DUI arrests and can use their extensive experience to find the weak spots in the state’s case and obtain favorable results for his or her clients. DUI arrests can also be challenged if evidence was obtained without probable cause, the field sobriety test was incorrect, or the police made a warrantless traffic stop. A skilled attorney will fight aggressively for your rights while getting the best possible outcome for your case.
Choosing a skilled Chicago DUI Defense Attorney is vital because the penalties associated with DUI convictions can be life-altering. A DUI conviction can cost you your license, hefty fines, and even time in jail. A good attorney will make sure your charges are reduced or even dismissed if possible, so that you can avoid any long-term consequences. If you are facing a DUI charge in Chicago, the Law Office of Goldman & Associates has successfully defended dozens of clients with such charges.
In Illinois, DUI laws are extremely strict, with consequences that can range from extended jail terms to loss of driving privileges. An arrest for drunk driving can also jeopardize your job, and the costs of fines, alcohol/drug evaluations, and DUI counseling can add up quickly. Even if your license is suspended for the first time, the costs can add up fast. It is essential to retain a qualified Chicago DUI Defense Attorney as soon as possible to protect yourself against these serious consequences.
DUI with injury is a particularly serious crime. It carries a felony charge if the DUI driver causes injury. The penalties for a conviction are much higher, including jail time and even prison time. If you leave the scene of a drunk driving accident, you can even be charged with reckless homicide. The more serious the injury, the worse the penalties. In any case, it is crucial to have a DUI defense attorney to fight for you.
A DUI attorney can also negotiate a short term alcohol program with the judge. In some cases, the judge will be inclined to reduce the period of time if the defendant completes a DUI program. In such cases, a DUI attorney can argue that the judge will consider the hardship of the sentence on the offender. And while it is important to remember that the judge’s decision will be based on the evidence presented by the prosecution, the judge may also consider whether the driver acted cooperatively or in a combative manner.
A Chicago DUI attorney will be your best ally in fighting a DUI charge. They can help you understand the law and help you preserve your driving privileges and license. If you are accused of a DUI, you need the help of a skilled attorney to fight your charges. The right lawyer can save your license, driving privilege, and keep you from going to jail. This way, you can concentrate on getting better results for your case. It is essential to get a DUI attorney as soon as possible.